

Effluent from an aquaculture facility can be complicated to deal with especially in marine systems due the salt content in the waste. De-watering the waste and concentrating the solids is critical to any operation to facilitate disposal. Each site is different and options for disposal will vary. Treatment ponds are ideal for effluent treatment but not all facilities have the space to construct these ponds or the ability to manage them. By concentrating the waste as solids with minimal water content the waste can disposed of or even sold as fertilizer if from a fresh water system. The water discharged from these effluent treatment systems will be high in TAN, BOD, and phosphorous. Further treatment of this water stream may include denitrification, UV sterilization, or ozone treatment if the governing regulatory agencies require it. Other options include naturally treating the effluent with aquatic plants used to take up the nitrogen and phosphorous. Oceans Design will perform a complete analysis of your effluent and its characteristics to design a treatment system that will best suit your needs and space.


OFFLINE SETTLING TANKS Offline settling tanks are designed to concentrate solids by utilizing gravity. Our offline settling tanks can be operated as continuous flow or as a batch settler. Continuous flow settling tanks are designed to receive backwash flows which are introduced to the offline settling tank in a way to minimize turbulence. Water flows in a downward direction and overflows a weir at the top circumference of the settling tank. When designed properly these settling tanks can hold solids for over a month before they need to be emptied while reducing TSS over 95%.

Batch offline settling tanks are designed to receive a backwash from a filter and hold it for predetermined amount of time. The settling period is predetermined based on the the settling velocity of the smallest particles being targeted for removal and can take several hours. Over this time period solids will settle in the cone bottom of the tank. Upon satisfying the settling period, a actuated valve will open draining the tank of clean water by gravity just above the cone. The high solids water in the cone is then pumped to sewer or for further concentration. The system is fully automated and typically used in applications where large infrequent back washes are received. Batch offline settling tanks work well in applications where back washes are infrequent, high in volume, and must be sent a municipal sewer treatment facility.


GEO-BAG SYSTEM Our geotextile dewatering systems are designed to capture, concentrate, and consolidate solids from commercial scale aquaculture facilities. A single facility can have 20 or more waste streams from various solids removal devices that must be consolidated into a single stream for treatment. 30% of aquaculture feeds will be released as solids in addition to solids collected in filtration processes for facility influent. Oceans Design will help decide on the best strategy to deal with your waste stream. Many factors will determine what is best for your facility including your daily production of waste in kg of solids, disposal options, government regulations, and water availability. With our geotextile systems a facility can reach 100% recirculation minimizing the need for new water.


DISCHARGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS The quality and quantity of waste water entering sewers, storm drains, bays, and oceans maybe highly monitored and regulated by city, state, and federal agencies. In many cases discharge permits along with waste water monitoring are required for any commercial and industrial operation. Even research facilities which typically have discharge flows meeting regulatory concentrations for all water quality parameters may be required to treat their discharge flows further. This is especially the case when working with species which are not endemic to the region or considered an invasive species. Sterilization and micro filtration are required by the State of California to work with such species. Oceans Design works with it's clients to establish filtration strategies that will meet government regulations for variety of parameters.


Oceans Design | 1 (719) 896-4782 | 740 Wooten Rd STE 104 Colorado Springs, CO 80915 ,